Why Choose a Chemical Free Skin Care Line?

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Anything you put on your skin is going to be taken in eventually. When you're using a product that contains chemicals, they permeate into your body through the skin. They float around, they travel through the bloodstream and they end up a little bit in all of your various organs. There will be little bits of chemicals that are going to lodge themselves anywhere they feel like as they take a break in their travel through your bloodstream. Most of them end up in your liver because the liver is one of the primary cleansing channels in the body.

The liver has over 400 different functions in the body. This makes our liver pretty important! If it's not able to perform its function to clear the body, then the impact is going to be felt by other parts of the body. Liver congestion is primarily due to chemicals; chemicals we apply on our skin, chemicals that we take in our foods, that we breathe in, drink, chemicals we create in our bodies due to stress. Irrespective of the source, most of them are going to end up in your liver and most of them are going to stay there, they're going to get congested right there. That slows down the ability of your liver to do its many jobs.

This is why it is so important to use chemical free products whenever possible in our lives.